Re-Activate Your Life
Re-Activate Your Life is a culmination of true and inspirational stories about women in the nonprofit and for-profit sector during these challenging pandemic times. Heart-felt in their messaging of overcoming obstacles and displaying perseverance, this book will elicit readers to embrace self-care and self-kindness while fostering sisterhood in a welcoming community.
The book covers topics in several categories including purpose, perseverance, resilience and adaptation. We weave in themes of self-care and guides to improve awareness.
The book and our website are the platform and opportunity where we say it’s okay to not feel okay, to not have the answers, to not know exactly what is in store for your future.
It is also a place to feel supported and understood by those who are facing similar challenges. To say the least, the pandemic has brought an array of emotions, new and diverse obstacles, uncertainty and insecurity. It has shown us the fragility of life, the unreliability of the future and the uncertainty of finances, job security and family health. The pandemic has also taught us great lessons – both on a personal and global scale.

What Others Are Saying

Eileen Coogan
CEO, Allegany Franciscan Ministries
I am so excited to see an eBook published on the topic of re-activating life. With 2020’s apparent never-ending script of challenges to our well-being and energy – from the pandemic, to the rising-up of calls for racial justice and the violent response to those calls, to a fire-nado (?!) – it is harder than ever to get up every day and fight the good fight. This book offers insight and practical techniques to help us survive and thrive!
Tatiana Bacchus
Owner/Senior Producer of Teaspoon & Pound Media
In these unprecedented times of global pandemic, racial unrest at home and the devastating economic impact of both, finding spaces where we can be our authentically messy selves is critical. I love that Re-Activate Your Life creates a space for us to share our truths, and connect with a tribe of other open-hearted souls, as we navigate through some of the most challenging days of our lives.

Satyavani Gayatri, Ed.D, AHP
ZenSpot Institute, Ayurvedic Woman Program
“The chance to go inward to do self-care and self-reflection during a time of a great unknown is what we have been preparing for our entire lives as spiritual, biological and energetic practitioners. As we examine the key questions of life: Who am I? What is my dharma? and How do I transcend? we will create a new world of possibility and openness that is is rooted in care, compassion and love and is at the root of Ayurveda – reconnecting to source. This is no small task. This text is a helpful guide on this extremely important journey and I encourage you to take it with you.”
Patrick Jinks
President – The Jinks Perspective
This is the kind of book I like to read, because whether I have 5 minutes or 5 hours to read, I walk away with great content, and always at a good breaking point (though it’s hard to put down). Inspiration, practicality, and significance—you cannot ask for a better combination.

Collaboration Style
Each with their own style, Grace Anne, Danielle and Phoebe support and love collaboration. Each gives all they’ve got to family, community and themselves.
Discover what more they love to share.
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Re-Activate’s Latest Stories
We continue to add to our stories of resilence, perserverence and small successes. Check out our latest stories.
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Improving Your Creative Thinking
There might be times you find yourself lacking in creativity. This is especially difficult when you want to launch a new marketing campaign for a cool new product or service. The cause for your lack of creativity can be for different reasons. It could be you haven’t...
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