Our Stories
A collection of real-life stories that weave together modern-day topics of Pandemic challenges. Connecting these stories from successful people in the not for profit world and the for-profit world that displays our commonalities, not our differences.
Our Blog
Feel free to add your story by contacting us. We can discover more from each other when we don’t keep silent and share.
Midnight on the Reef
How do you express gratitude in 200 words? Well, I did it! I wrote about my parents, Peg and Cam in Samoa. "Available on Amazon Now!"This year has continued to be an interesting one. And it is so hard to believe that it has been two years since publishing...
You Gotta Accentuate the Positive!
Let's face it, people, it sure has been a hard year to stay positive and to see the glass as half-full. The bombardment of negativity, corruption, and a global pandemic sure has left us in a tailspin of uncertainty, fear, and constant worry, 2020 has been some kind of...
Improving Your Creative Thinking
There might be times you find yourself lacking in creativity. This is especially difficult when you want to launch a new marketing campaign for a cool new product or service. The cause for your lack of creativity can be for different reasons. It could be you haven’t...
The Leadership Window Podcast
We all were so excited to be invited to Patrick Jinks' "The Leadership Window" podcast. Tune in for a behind the scenes discussion of the book.
Setting the Tone and Intention with Stones – Finding balance in the simplest way
I am fascinated by gems and crystals and the powers they behold. You will notice various stones throughout my house and my massage/yoga studio, in all their splendor of colors, shapes, and sizes. Yesterday I spent hours in my hometown of Asheville at a local...
COVID-19 and Forced Evolution
Compete, survive, and reproduce. These are the three abilities linked to a species’ propensity to exist. Darwinian theory tells us that all species of living organisms arise and develop through the natural selection of small, inherited variations that increase an...
Next On The List, Facing Fear!
I was a sophomore in college in 1985. The HIV/AIDS epidemic was getting tons of airplay in the press and I remember being affixed every morning to my local newspaper.
Feeling heavy in body and mind? (Navigating our way through this Pandemic time.)
Seems to be the theme for me these last several months, seriously this Pandemic is kicking our butts on every level. I’ve been up. I’ve been down. I’ve had meltdowns and glorious victories and self discoveries. I’ve been a fantastic, supportive, loving mom. I’ve been...
Media Diet
Last Christmas I was under a great deal of stress with work. I had been in a constant state of worry over politics and a growing exhaustion by the news. I felt spiritually, physically, and emotionally exhausted. It manifested in a very bad illness leading to...
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